Project in numbers
Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Project Mensa, Burghfield
Client: BAM Nuttall
The project held national importance as its main objective concerned the rebuilding of the UK’s main nuclear weapons factory, which would manufacture the next generation of Trident warheads.
During peak times of the contract, we supplied 350 operatives in a wide range of competent trades: Steel fixers, Storemen, Yardmen, Shuttering carpenters, Slinger / Signallers, Skilled Operatives, Section Foremen, Multi-skilled operatives, Plant operators, Bricklayers, Senior Foremen, Dumper drivers and Concrete Gangs.
Communicating with partners with full transparency
Site safety was closely monitored and managed through an increased level of site inspections, weekly toolbox talks, and daily briefings. Attendance at these was reported to the project stakeholder team as part of a comprehensive weekly report which provided our partners with transparency of our activities.